Pennsylvania State Trooper, Ronald Keith Davis, Arrested for Abusing and Falsely Committing Ex-Girlfriend

The Incident

On August 21, 2023, Ronald Keith Davis, a 37-year-old Pennsylvania state trooper, was off duty when he claimed that his ex-girlfriend, identified as M.P., was suicidal and obtained an involuntary commitment order for her under the Mental Health Procedures Act.

He then went to Weiser State Forest, where M.P. was staying in a camper on his property, and tried to take her into custody by himself. He was accompanied by a civilian acquaintance, Kerry Teter, who recorded the encounter on video.

The video, which was released by the Dauphin County District Attorney’s Office, shows Davis restraining and wrestling M.P. on the ground, putting his hands on her neck and impeding her breathing, and sitting on top of her while she repeatedly asks him to let her go. M.P. can be heard saying that she is not crazy, that she does not need help, and that she just wants to get away from Davis. She also accuses him of abusing his power and being a bad person.

The Charges

Davis was arrested on September 23, 2023, and charged with strangulation, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, simple assault, recklessly endangering another person and official oppression. He was suspended without pay from his job as a trooper at Troop L, which serves Berks, Lebanon and Schuylkill counties. He is currently being held at the Dauphin County Prison.

The Dauphin County District Attorney’s Office said that Davis abused his authority and violated the trust of the public by assaulting and falsely committing M.P., who was held at a mental health facility for five days as a result of his actions. The office also said that the video and text communications between Davis and M.P. show that she was rational and that the involuntary commitment was improper.

The Background

According to the probable cause affidavit, Davis had an intimate relationship with M.P. for about four months. He is married and has children who live with him in Williamstown. He met M.P. through an online dating app and they began seeing each other in April 2023.

The affidavit states that Davis became controlling and possessive of M.P., who wanted to end the relationship. He allegedly threatened to harm himself or her if she left him, and told her that he would make her look crazy if she tried to expose him. He also allegedly sent her messages saying that she was worthless, that she had no reason to live, and that she should end it.

Ronald Keith Davis

M.P.’s family and friends have expressed their outrage and disbelief over what happened to her. They said that she is a kind and caring person who did not deserve to be treated so cruelly by someone who was supposed to protect and serve the public. They also said that they hope that Davis will be held accountable for his actions and that justice will be served for M.P..

Davis’ attorney, Brian Perry, said that his client denies the allegations and intends to plead not guilty. He said that Davis was concerned about M.P.’s mental health and acted in good faith to help her. He also said that the video does not show the whole story and that there is more evidence to support Davis’ version of events.

Credit: People

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