Inside the Brutal Story of Gregory Green– How He Misused His Pardon to Kill his Four Children

On July 14, 1991, a 24-year-old man, Gregory Green, brutally murdered his wife, Tonya Clayton Green, who was six- months pregnant with their third child in their Dearborn Heights, Michigan home, by stabbing her in the chest, and face. After taking the life of his wife, Gregory called 911 and waited patiently for their arrival.

When the officers came, he opened the door and ushered them into the crime scene. He calmly explained what had transpired. He told them the body was in the kitchen and showed them the refrigerator where he had hidden the murder weapon.

The pair had a rocky relationship marked by incessant bickering and fights. On the day of the tragic murder, Tonya had expressed her intention to leave Gregory because of his increasingly aggressive behavior and violence in their marriage. This did not sit well with him and in a fit of rage stabbed her several times, taking her life and that of their unborn child.

In a 1992 trial, Gregory was sentenced to 15 to 25 years in prison after he pleaded no contest to second-degree murder, meaning he did not admit he was guilty but also did not dispute the charges.

Gregory Green in court

From the time he called 911 to the time of the trial, Gregory showed no sign of remorse. Even while he was in prison, he always justified his actions; he blamed Tonya for inciting the violence that led to her death.

Years went by, and Gregory appeared to be well-behaved in prison. Despite applying for parole four times which were all turned down, he was finally paroled after several members of his community begged for a second chance. His pastor, Pastor Fred Harris, a pastor of Church of Risen Christ Ministries International, was instrumental in securing his release. Pastor Harris described Green as a former congregant and friend, he wrote letters to the parole board supporting Green’s release. He described Harris as a man of good behavior whom the devil manipulated into committing the horrific crime. Other members of his community also wrote letters pleading his release.

Faith Green

Following these pleas, Gregory was finally released in 2008. He continued to be very close to Pastor Harris, and two years later on Dec. 18, 2010, he was married to Faith Harris, a daughter of Pastor Harris. Before Gregory’s release, Pastor Harris had promised the parole board that he was going to help in his rehabilitation. So when he gave his daughter’s hand in marriage, he was convinced that Gregory was a transformed man.

The Beginning of an End

The marriage started on a good note, and the couple welcomed two children, Koi and Kaleigh Green. However, three years later, the facade began to wear off, and the true Gregory Green began to emerge. He became controlling and violent. He started maltreating Faith the same way he had maltreated Tonya.

The violence continued to escalate, and the Faith wanted out. She was tired of being controlled and mistreated, she wanted a divorce. She also tried to obtain a Personal Protection Order against him, but this was not granted because the authorities believed she didn’t have a tangible reason for the request.

Faith with her children

Following the dismissal of her request, Faith continued living with her husband, but three years later in August 2016, she wanted a divorce. A few weeks after this revelation on the night of Sept. 21, 2016, Gregory did the unthinkable. He physically assaulted Faith in their basement, he tied duct tape and tied her up with zip ties.

After he made sure he was bound, he went upstairs and forced her two children to the basement: Chadney Allen, 19, Kara Allen, 17, Koi Green.

Faith watched as he put bullets in the heads of her two children. He murdered them, execution style. And when he was done, he called 911 and waited for the police to arrive.

Faith Harris-Green is seen wearing a black veil and holding hands with a relative during a probable cause hearing for her husband, Gregory Green

Once the two teens were dead, he put their two young children into the family car and connected a hose from the car’s exhaust pipe to the interior. The two girls died of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Gregory was sentenced to 45 to 100 years in prison for the murders in February 2017, with 6 to 10 years for additional charges.

Credits: Vocal Media

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