The Mysterious Disappearance of Lars Mittank: A Haunting Case of Vanishing Without a Trace

Background and Context: Who is Lars Mittank and What Happened to Him?

Lars Mittank was a 28-year-old German tourist who disappeared in July 2014, under mysterious circumstances. He was on vacation with a group of friends in Varna, Bulgaria, when he suddenly vanished without a trace.

According to his friends, Mittank got into a fight with a group of local men outside a nightclub on July 6 and suffered a ruptured eardrum during the altercation. He was advised by doctors to avoid flying due to the risk of further injury to his ear, and so he stayed behind while his friends returned to Germany.


Despite his friends’ desire to stay with him, Mittank insisted that he was capable of staying in Bulgaria all alone and asked them to stick to their original travel plan and leave for Germany on July 7.

After checking out of the resort at the same time as his friends, Mittank spent one night at the Hotel Color Varna, which was inexpensive and close to the airport. However, he began to act paranoid the day after his friends left. He called his mother, Sandra Mittank, and whispered that people were trying to harm him and that she should cancel his credit cards. Surveillance cameras in the hotel recorded him pacing the hallways, looking out windows, and hiding in an elevator.

He left the hotel at 1 A.M. and returned an hour later, though it is unclear where he went during that time. The next morning, Mittank called his mother again and claimed that the people pursuing him were getting closer.

On July 8, 2014, Mittank was last seen at Varna Airport, where he had hoped to fly home to Germany. He visited the airport doctor, Dr. Kosta Kostov. Kostov described Mittank’s behavior as “nervous and erratic,” and although he assured Mittank that he was fit to travel, Mittank expressed doubt about his medication and hesitated to leave the office.

When a construction worker entered the office, Mittank began to tremble and yelled that he did not want to die there. He fled the office, leaving behind all his belongings, including his wallet, phone, and passport. Airport security footage captured Mittank running away from the terminal, climbing a fence, and sprinting towards a nearby forest near Bulgarian national highway A2. These are the last confirmed sightings of him.

Despite extensive searches by Bulgarian authorities and private investigators hired by Mittank’s family, no trace of him has ever been found.

Theories and Speculations: Possible Explanations for Lars Mittank’s Vanishing

The mysterious circumstances surrounding Lars Mittank’s disappearance have led to numerous theories and speculations, but no definitive explanation has been found. Some of the most popular theories include:

– Foul play: Many believe that Mittank was a victim of foul play, possibly at the hands of the men he got into a fight with outside the nightclub. Others speculate that he may have been kidnapped or murdered by someone else.

– Psychological breakdown: Mittank’s paranoid and erratic behavior in the days leading up to his disappearance has led some to speculate that he suffered a psychological breakdown. It is possible that he was experiencing a mental health crisis and believed that he was in danger, leading him to run away or hide.

Mittank’s mother hlding his picture

– Accidental death: Some believe that Mittank may have accidentally fallen or been injured in the airport parking lot, and his body was never discovered. However, this theory has been largely discredited due to the extensive searches conducted by authorities and private investigators.

– Voluntary disappearance: A small number of people believe that Mittank may have voluntarily disappeared, possibly to start a new life or escape some personal problems. However, there is no evidence to support this theory.

Media Coverage and Public Interest: How the Case of Lars Mittank Captivated the World

The disappearance of Lars Mittank has captured the attention of the world, with media outlets and amateur sleuths alike poring over the details of the case. The release of CCTV footage showing Mittank running through the airport has been particularly haunting and has led to widespread speculation about what happened to him.

Numerous podcasts, documentaries, and news articles have been produced about the case, and social media groups dedicated to finding Mittank continue to be active. However, despite the intense public interest, no new leads have emerged in the case.

Credits: Wikipedia

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