The Sad Story of Gary Wayne Bentley Whose Wife Killed For Money

Gary Wayne Bentley was born on August 31, 1984, in Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, to his parents Gerald and Lisa Bentley. He pursued a career as an electrician.

In 2006, Gary met Tasha, who was a year older than him. The couple dated for six years before getting married in September 2012. According to Gary’s sister, Amy Bentley, he was more laid-back compared to his assertive wife.

Gary Bentley, middle, enjoyed hunting

Lisa Bentley, Gary’s mother, remembers her son as an outdoorsman who enjoyed hunting and collecting firearms and fishing gear. Gary and Tasha’s son, who is referred to as “Connor” to protect his identity as a minor, was born about three months after they got married. Lisa recalled that both Gary and Tasha were attentive and caring parents, but Gary was more hands-on with their child while Tasha hung out with her friends.

Gary Is Brutally Murdered

Gary’s father, Gerald Bentley, remembered how much his son treasured his family and built his life around securing a bright future for his son. Gary was a proud family man who enjoyed a comfortable life in a big house with a car, making it all the more shocking when Tasha contacted Gerald on December 10, 2017, to report that Gary was not answering his phone. She also expressed concerns about the open garage door and was afraid to enter the house.

Gary and Tasha

Gerald arrived at the couple’s residence, where he found the couple’s dogs greeting him. He called for his son, but Gary did not answer. After searching the home, Gerald found Gary lying in bed, deceased with a gunshot wound to the back of his head.

He immediately called 911, and the police arrived to discover a single shell casing in the bed next to the body. Police sources believe that Gary was shot while sleeping, facing away from the door. There was no evidence of a break-in or forced entry, and all of Gary’s guns had been reported missing from the safe.

Investigating The Murder

Right from the start of the homicide investigation, the police suspected that the murderer was someone familiar with the household. Neighbors had not reported any disturbance, and the investigators speculated that the dogs must have recognized the assailant; otherwise, their barking would have alerted Gary before he was shot.

Gary(middle) with his parents

The detectives found this suspicious and began to investigate Gary’s wife, Tasha Bentley, as it is common for spouses to come under scrutiny when their partners are killed.

Upon investigation, the detectives uncovered that the Bentleys’ marriage had its share of problems. Tasha, a nurse, was more assertive than her husband and valued her appearance. However, she had been struggling with work-related performance issues that led to stress and fights at home. The situation escalated when Tasha was fired after returning from a vacation in Jamaica with family friends in September 2016. Although her stress was briefly alleviated when she secured a new job, it was clear that the couple was going through a tough time.

Gary(far left) having a good time with friends before his death

Soon after, family and friends began to notice that something was amiss as Tasha started spending weekends away and staying out late. Gerald tried to discuss his concerns with his son, but Gary repeatedly dismissed his father’s worries and assured him that things were fine between him and Tasha.

After the murder investigation began, the police received a call the next day from Tasha’s best friend, Amy Day, who was married to Gary’s best friend, Kevin. Both couples had gone on the Jamaica trip the previous year.

The call from Amy provided the police with a crucial lead – Tasha was planning to leave Gary for another man, Anthony, whom she had met at work. She was preparing to move out in mid-January 2018.

Tasha was arrested and convicted

The investigators also discovered that Tasha had taken out a $1 million life insurance policy on Gary, which became effective just four days before the murder. The detectives contacted the insurance company and found that Tasha had authorized the policy using Gary’s electronic signature. With enough evidence to connect her to the crime, the police brought Tasha in for questioning.

Tasha pleaded guilty to the murder of her husband in July 2021 and was subsequently sentenced to 55 years in prison. Court records indicate that the 40-year-old is currently serving her sentence at the Kentucky Correctional Institute for Women. Her inmate records reveal that her earliest possible parole date is in 2037, while her sentence is set to expire in 2072.

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